Navigator Consulting Partners will present on the internationalisation of business clusters at a conference organised in Leszno, Poland on September 26 – 27, 2013.
The event is organised by the Strengthening Business Performance Management in Economic Networks project and is co-funded by the European Commission’s Leonardo da Vinci programme.
Strategic Development Planning for Business Clusters
26 September 2013
16:00 Conference Opening
Maciej Pietrzykowski, SeBPEN Project Manager
16:15 – 16:30 Strengthening Cooperation between Business Networks
Maciej Pietrzykowski, Project Manager
17:00 – 20:00 Presentations of Cluster Strategic Development Plans
Poland and Lithuania
20:00 – 21:30 Dinner
Internationalisation of Business Clusters
27 September 2013
09:00 - 10:00 Registration
10:00 - 10:15 Welcoming Address
Tomasz Malepszy, Mayor of Leszno
10:15 - 10:30 Presentation of the The Leszno Business Centre
Alicja Szczepińska, President
10:30 - 11:00 Overview of the SeBPEN Project
Maciej Pietrzykowski, Project Manager
11:00 – 12:00 Internationalisation of Business Clusters and Networks
Philip Ammerman, Managing Partner, Navigator Consulting Partners LLP
12:00 - 12:45 Managing Business Clusters in Wielkopolska
Maciej Pietrzykowski, Project Manager
12:45 - 13:30 Lunch
13:00 - 13.45 Overview of the “Leszno Taste” Food Branding Programme
Alicja Szczepińska, President of Leszno Business Centre
13:45 – 14:15 Internationalisation of Business Clusters in Germany
Björn P. Jacobsen, Lubeck Business Development Corporation, Germany
14:15 – 14:45 Internationalisation of Business Clusters in Austria
Michaela Henzinger, Linz Food Cluster, Austria
14:45 – 15:15 Internationalisation of Business Clusters in Lithuania
Professor Asta Pundziene, Lithuania
15:15 - 15:30 Discussion
15:30 - 16:00 Coffee Break
16:00 - 16:30 Conclusions and Conference Closing
Alicja Szczepińska and Maciej Pietrzykowski
The business clusters participating in the SeBPEN project are:
eVerslo Klasteris is an IT-based cluster specialising in wireless, RFID and online payment system technologies.
The Innovation and Business Centre of Kaunas University of Technology, which includes the Start-up Centre (a business incubator), the Technology Transfer Unit and the Intellectual Property Unit.
AgroSmart cluster, a group of IT firms focusing on agricultural productivity applications.
a newly-formed cluster for industrial design and development.
The Wielkopolski Cluster of Renewable Energy ( is a platform for cooperation in the renewable energy industry, enabling effective combination and use of the potential of enterprises, scientific, research and financial institutions, business environment institutions and local as well as regional authorities in Wielkopolska. The members include the Polish Chamber of Commerce of Importers, Wielkopolska Energy Management Agency Ltd., the Poznan University of Technology and others.
The Wielkopolski Cluster of Furniture Design ( comprises a group of enterprises in furniture, fittings and interior design. This Cluster promotes research and development, export development and internationalisation and networking. It has managed an innovative project for modular furniture development which is currently being patented. The Cluster‘s members include Axxion Industries Polska, PPHU Arkos, Meble Elmar-Jerczyńscy Sp.j. and other.
The Wielkopolska Clusters Centre ( provides a platform for closer cooperation of clusters. The Centre promotes networking, training and development, joint procurement initiatives and other projects, which improve the environment for social and economic development of clusters. The members of the Cluster include: Idea! Management Consulting Poznan, the Logistics Institute, SynergIT Cluster, the Poznan University of Economics and others.
The Wielkopolska ICT ( This is the leading ICT cluster in Poland based on NGPexcellence Benchmarking by VDI/VDE. In 2011, the Cluster was awarded the European Cluster Excellence Initiative Bronze Label award excellence in cluster management. The Wielkopolska IT Cluster provides a range of services, including research and development, training, new standards development, recruitment and networking. It promotes innovation and start-ups via cooperation between its members. The members of the cluster include: Alma SA, Emtel Systems, RS Adware, Talex SA and other.
The “Leszno Taste” Cluster ( was created by the Leszno Business Centre and the Municipality of Leszno. Its objectives are to develop the regional brand of Leszno food products in Poland and internationally. Clusters members include: Jan Korbik, the Business Centre of Leszno and others.
Cloudcube ( Cloudcube is an IT business cluster in Poznan, Poland. In addition to information technology development and incubation projects, Cloudcube also provides serviced office space and meeting rooms for companies.
The Poznan Education Cluster ( is managed by the Polish Centre for Continuing Education and Practical Training ( The Cluster provides education, vocational training, apprenticeships and continuing educational opportunities. This is an innovative cluster for closer cooperation between employers and vocational education providers, and has developed a practical training centre for electronics, mechatronics, renewable energy and other function, which is used by employers and educational institutions. Cluster members include the Poznańskie Centrum Edukacji Ustawicznej i Praktycznej, Celtech, C&K Systems, Job Impulse Polska SP.z.o.o., Manpowe Polska, Polychem Systems, and others.
Cluster of Poligraphy and Advertising ( This cluster comprises printing and advertising firms in Leszno, covering a wider geographic region. The cluster develops vocational training and higher standards in printing and package design and promotes research and development contracts between its members and research centres. It provides an active networking and cooperation framework for its members, who include Akryler S.C., Aris Opakowania, Reklama Graff, P.P.H.U. Inter-Paco, Manus Biuro Handlowe and others.
The Architectural Glass Processors Association ( brings together owners of small and medium-sized companies involved in the manufacture of sealed glass units. The aim of the Association is to conduct public activity to aid the economic development of associated members, to promote the quality of Polish products and initiate mutual collaboration between companies while respecting the principles of competitiveness.
Navigator’s role in the SeBPEN project is to transfer experience from the UK and other countries by delivering action learning modules and strategic development to each cluster in Poland and Lithuania. The training comprises of five action-learning modules: Strategy, Finance, Marketing, Internationalisation and Membership Services.
Work on this project intensifies Navigator’s exposure to supporting high-technology, entrepreneurial companies, and supports our Entrepreneurship Charter and the operations of our own business incubator.
This project is being implemented in conjunction with the Partnership for Local Government, the Wielkopolska Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Kaunas Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Human Capital Research and Development Institute of Lithuania. The project is co-funded by the EU’s Leonardo da Vinci programme.