The Navigator Entrepreneurship Charter
21 December 2009
We, the partners and staff of Navigator Consulting Group, recognise that:
Entrepreneurship is the foundation of business creativity and growth
The history of the 20th century has been one of extraordinary business entrepreneurship and creativity, and that this trend is set to continue and accelerate in the present century
Small businesses employ the large majority of employees and drive employment, innovation and economic growth
Micro-enterprises, start-ups and small businesses offer the greatest hope of long-term growth in the Western economies in the face of adverse demographic change, international competitiveness and an obsolescent political economy
Entrepreneurs offer the best hope of renewing and regenerating rural and agricultural regions, less-advantaged urban areas and urban economies as a whole, and must be supported in the face of public sector incompetence and the often unfair competition of large commercial chains
Social entrepreneurship offers the best hope of solving specific societal challenges with an acceptable cost-benefit ratio in the face of a general inability of public and private sector to address critical environmental and social problems.
Given these factors, and mindful of our own unique competencies in business development and analysis, we have determined to:
Start or support one new company each year in the 10 years between 2011 – 2020
Provide consultancy support to business start-ups and entrepreneurs as a priority of our company
Further develop at least two social entrepreneurship cases to 2020.
If you are interested in gaining support for your start-up, please view our Investment Criteria and contact us for more information.