Human Resources Strategy
We live in a fast-changing world. While investments such as digital marketing or physical assets are relatively easy to quantify and assess, investments in human capital are often more difficult to manage.
Yet without a strong bench of talent, growth is not only restricted, but even threatened. This is all the more so at a time of rapid generational and technological change.
Navigator Consulting supports companies, start-ups and public institutions develop viable Human Resources Strategies and Management Systems.
An HR Strategy requires alignment to the wider corporate strategy. The HR Strategy is called upon to answer the following questions:
How does the total staff and management complement work effectively to deliver strategic results? How can this be measured?
What investments are needed to continually develop the competitive advantages and productivity of Human Resources?
What barriers or disadvantages are faced in trusting, developing and deploying talented staff effectively?
At the heart of the HR Strategy is:
The wider statement of company vision, mission and core values;
The expression of measurable corporate objectives that drill down into departments, units, teams and finally, individuals;
The creation and application of formal policies designed to strengthen the competitive advantages of the HR function (and of talent) while minimising weaknesses and barriers;
The commitment of management and staff to an enterprise culture that prizes and recognises merit-based performance.
HR Strategy requires a significant investment by shareholders and other stakeholders in developing and sustaining an enterprise culture committed to talent management. Absent this investment, many enterprises or start-ups struggle to perform and to reach their full potential.