Digital Transformation Strategy
Digital transformation is the process of adapting corporate processes to an online operating standard. According to Wikipedia:
Digital transformation is the changes associated with the application of digital technology in all aspects of human society. Digital transformation may be thought of as the third stage of embracing digital technologies: digital competence → digital usage → digital transformation, with usage and transformative ability informing digital literacy. The transformation stage means that digital usages inherently enable new types of innovation and creativity in a particular domain, rather than simply enhance and support the traditional methods.
1-day in-company training course
Maximum: 25-30 Participants
The course can be increased to 2 days using a more intensive workshop format where executive teams work on case studies from their own company.
Course is delivered in-person or online
Instructor: Philip Ammerman
Pricing: Upon Request, depending on number of participants, degree of customisation, and travel
Every day, new technological announcements are made that bring traditional operating models into question. In such an environment, managers must make the right decisions in terms of which digital transformation investments to adapt, and in which sequence.
As with lean management, it is vital to "right-size man and machine", i.e. to invest in digitalisation solutions which serve the enterprise value chain, not the technology itself.
Navigator Consulting's Digital Transformation Strategy training course provides a rapid yet effective, 360 degree view of the requirements, potential, opportunities and risks of digital transformation.
Together, we explore fundamental issues like adapting technology investments to your business model and value chain; determining how to select technologies and vendors; make or buy decisions; risk analysis; and more.
Our training is informed by 30 years of digital transformation consulting experience dating to our foundation in 1995. In this time, we have lived through successive generations of digital and real technology investments. This experience informs our training methodology.
Introduction to Digital Transformation
The Digital Transformation Strategy training programme addresses the key challenges faced by enterprises in adapting to and competing in a digital world. In taking a strategic approach, we ensure that companies participating will be able to diagnose, prioritise and budget their digital transformation requirements, campaigns and initiatives.
This training programme is prepared to reinforce management capacity to:
Strategically prepare for digital transformation, or the process of adapting a significant share of corporate operations to the internet. Digital transformation initiatives include preparing organisations, teams, business processes and corporate culture to orient around a customer-focussed, technology-driven, 24/7/365 environment;
Manage external vendors of digital and ICT services, such as web designers, online advertisers, SEO specialists, programmers and others more appropriately, in order to maximise benefits to the organisation.
Understand the technological trends that are transforming the modern economy, in sectors as diverse as banking, e-government, tourism, retail, B2B suppliers, customer service, online security, big data and Internet of Things.
Understand how consumers, customers, suppliers and other stakeholders are adapting to the internet in the process of becoming digital natives.
Systematically prepare own operations for digital transformation by adapting a 5-year strategic development plan which maps which business processes and value chain components must be migrated online.
Develop effective budgeting processes and return on investment (ROI) methods for digital and ICT project.
Training Agenda
Introduction to Digital Transformation
The three waves of internet growth: Web 1.0, Web 2.0, DeepTech
Advances in software-as-a-service, cloud computing and pay-as-you-go technology
Aligning Corporate and Digital Strategies
Understanding your corporate business model and value chain
Developing a long-term model of digital transformation
Prioritising digital transformation projects and investments
Critical decisions for the Digital Transformation Team
Customer-Facing Operations and Digital Transformation
Defining customer audiences and value gains from digital transformation
Best practise in selecting and implementing customer-facing digital projects
Operations and Digital Transformation
Defining your internal value chain, workflow, competitive advantage, and pain points
Developing best practise for digital transformation in operations, including vendors
Finance and Digital Transformation
Moving from static accounting to a dynamic profit centre approach finance
Developing your ERP and financial software to reflect value chain profitability
Project, Task and Team Management and Digital Transformation
Selecting and using project management and team management software
Aligning project management to value chain management
Preparing your Internal Digital Transformation Team
Setting objectives, resources and timelines
Ensuring commitment and buy-in from key stakeholders
Developing a digital transformation learning culture
Managing External Vendors and Contractors
Key issues in selecting web design, ERP and other vendors and contractors
Budgeting and Return-on-Investment
Planning investments in digital transformation
Measuring effectiveness and planning on a 1 year, 2 year and longer-term basis
Training Preparation & Follow-up
Pre-Training Survey
Prior to the training programme, we will implement a trainee survey. This online survey assesses individual competencies and knowledge on digital transformation as well as the state of transformation in key parts of your enterprise. In this way we will determine the starting level of knowledge of participating companies and customise the training materials according to the survey’s results. The results of the survey are shared with you.
Post-Training Survey
Following the programme, we will implement a second training survey designed to measure training impact, receptivity and engagement with the subject as a result of the training.
Training Certificates
All managers who complete the training will be awarded Certificates of Participation. These are paper-based and digital credentials that can be co-branded with your company's logo and name. They can be co-signed by the trainer and the Company Training Manager or other Manager/s from your firm.
About the Trainer

Philip is a consultant, entrepreneur and investment advisor who has advised start-ups, investors and enterprises on digital disruption, internationalisation and investment-led growth since 1994. He is founder of Navigator Consulting, Numenor Capital and the Centre for Innovation & Entrepreneurship.
Philip started his consultancy career in 1992. He supported the first wave of disruption in sectors such as banking and travel between 1995 and 2000, when the first dot.com crash took place.
In parallel, he supported “real economy” investments, primarily in industry and manufacturing, that took place in Greece, Central & Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. He has advised on over 220 investment transactions, (including M&A, loans and restructuring) with a total investment value exceeding € 6 billion.