AIMIS Website Audit and Re-design
Navigator was commissioned by the American Institute of Minimally-Invasive Spine Surgery (AIMIS) to implement a detailed web design audit, together with an assessment of its online promotional activities, and to re-design its website.
The Former Website
The former AIMIS website was developed using a custom template. The website was text-heavy, as befitted a specialised medical website, but lacked keyword optimisation and calls-to-action. There was relatively poor integration of graphic design and text, and the navigation structure of the website was difficult given the complexity of the website. Key information, such as individual Board of Director profiles, was not presented on static pages. Overall prioritisation of content and customer experience (CX) needed improvement.
Figure 1: AIMIS Original Website (About Us)
American Institute of Minimally-Invasive Surgery (AIMIS)
Date of Engagement:
Countries of Operation:
Cyprus, United States of America
Business Function:
Digital Transformation
Business Sector:
Medical Sector

Designing the New AIMIS Website
A key task was the design of the new AIMIS website. Navigator implemented a competitor analysis and benchmark to find how high-ranking medical and spinal surgery websites handled the challenges of too much information (TMI) with superior graphic and front-end design. We took into account:
A very complex navigation structure
Handling large volumes of complex, specialised information
Challenges between showing technical information with Calls to Action
On-board Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) requirements
Detailed keyword analysis
Cultural issues relating to using multiple languages, including Hebrew and Arabic
Design Sessions
Once the basic web design architecture was ready, we implemented two half-day workshops using iterative, group design. In these sessions, we created a front-end demo for the home page and a second-level page, with the live input of key AIMIS staff. Designing on the fly enabled us to test different colours, calls to action, design elements and information blocks.
Some key elements of the new design included:
A clearer top navigation bar with prioritised content using drop-down Javascript menus
Social media integration in a prominent position (top right, above the slider)
A slider with clear messages and graphic design, including the immediate Call to Action (Free MRI Review)
AIMIS News in a priority place below the slider in the middle right of the home page, first screen
Using a long page format, with extensive information on AIMIS surgeons, medical conditions and patient services
Additional Calls to Action further down the home page
Memberships, awards and certifications both on the slide and above the home page footer, reinforcing the AIMIS brand
A comprehensive footer which allows easier navigation on a very information-rich page.
The front-end web design sessions were highly useful, as they enabled the interpretation of a collective corporate vision into a tangible web design. They also provided a concrete starting point for the web designer to start the html version.
Figure 2: AIMIS Home Page - Design Revision

Content Management System and Site Structure
A key objective of the new AIMIS website was to enable the company to update its staff on its own, without having to go through an external web designer (after the initial delivery of the new website was complete). As a result, we defined each CMS field and the entire site structure.
Web Development Tender
We drew up detailed tender documentation and implemented a tender for web development services. A total of four companies were evaluated in detail, and a single web design firm was selected by AIMIS for the assignment.
Final Website Delivery
The final website was delivered, with further revisions to the content and front-end design. The new design is a major improvement on the old. It provides a far better customer / user experience, with a clearer navigation structure and better graphics. It handles the challenges of Too Much Information more competently. AIMIS staff are able to update the site frequently, and better search engine rankings and more inquiries are seen as a result.