Navigator Consulting Group delivered the fifth training module as a part of Joint Training Programme for Lithuanian and Polish Business Clusters within the SeBPEN project. The training focussed on the Internationalisation of business clusters and professional networks.
The following training subjects were covered during the session:
Business Cluster Internationalisation Strategy
Business Cluster Strategy
Business Cluster Member Strategy
Commercial Development Models
Market Development
Subcontracting Development
Service Cooperation
Cooperation & Exchange
Networking between Business Clusters
Networking between Business Cluster Members
Foreign Membership in Business Clusters
Diaspora Marketing
Joint Project Cooperation
EU project cooperation
Other sources of project cooperation
Technology transfer
Exhibitions and International Trade
Visits to Polish Business Clusters, as well as the Poznan Innovation and Technology Park, which were coordinated by the Wielkopolska Chamber of Commerce and Industry, after the general training session. The following Polish Business Clusters were visited:
Poznan Education Cluster, which is managed by the Polish Centre for Continuing Education and Practical Training. The Cluster provides education, vocational training, apprenticeships and continuing educational opportunities. This is an innovative cluster for closer cooperation between employers and vocational education providers, and has developed a practical training centre for electronics, mechatronics, renewable energy and other function, which is used by employers and educational Institutions. The participants of the programme visited the laboratories within the Centre used for educating students and preparing for the certification, and had the possibility to know more about the activities of the cluster.
Innovation and Technology Park of Poznan consisting of the Technology area, Business Incubator and Business and commercial area. It has a mission of reinforcing the position of the city and region as a leading innovation centre in Poland through development of innovative branches of economy. The participants were kindly met by the Innovation and Technology Park representatives who presented its activities and services.
The Wielkopolska Clusters Centre, which provides a platform for closer cooperation of clusters. The Centre promotes networking, training and development, joint procurement initiatives and other projects, which improve the environment for social and economic development of clusters. Programme participants from Lithuania visited the Logistics Institute in Poznan, which is the member of the Wielkopolska Clusters Centre and provides research and consulting for Business in Logistics. They had the possibility to know more about the activities of the Cluster as well as to visit the laboratories established within the Institute.
Wielkopolska ICT Cluster, which provides connections for Cluster Members and their partners with businesses, scientific and administration backgrounds. Having strong support of local and regional governments, it promotes ICT products locally and internationalizes them. Its major goal is to trigger and realize cutting edge research driven projects and optimize the price to value balance.
The Internationalisation module is the last of five training programmes: previous training modules included Strategic Management, Financing, Online Marketing and Member Services.
The training programmes for business clusters management is developed and implemented within the framework of the Strengthening of Business Performance and Economic Management (SeBPEN) project, which is co-financed by the EU’s Leonardo da Vinci programme.
Partners of the project: Partnership for Local Government, the Wielkopolska Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Kaunas Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Human Capital Research and Development Institute of Lithuania.