Transfer of Innovative Teaching and Learning Experiential Methods for Management Education
Navigator Consulting supported a consortium of business school universities in developing innovative teaching and learning methods. The project focus was to develop case studies adapted to local and national requirements, reflecting national business conditions.
The specific project aim was to embed case teaching-learning method within Lithuanian, Estonian as well as other partner countries management education through enhancing trainers’ competencies to write and teach using case methods.
The Project Consortium comprised:
ISM University of Management and Economics;
University of Tartu,
Navigator Consulting.,
Kaunas Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts,
European Case Clearing House,
The overall aim of the project was to transfer and develop innovative experiential teaching-learning methods contributing to the quality of management education.
The project objectives were to:
Assess the actual competences of 25 Lithuanian and Estonian trainers for case writing and teaching.
Assess management training needs, and specific which case topic should be covered to reflect modern educational needs
Train 25 Lithuanian and Estonian trainers on case writing and teaching
Develop 5 cases on Lithuanian and Estonian business development topics (2 business development cases and 3 cases on specific management topics). This includes case teaching notes and pilot 5 developed cases training a group of managers on business development.
Develop the textbook on case writing and teaching based on the project experience
Develop articles and other dissemination materials on case usage in adult education, and to disseminate project results in 2 international conferences
The target groups of the project were: educators & trainers dealing with management education and corporate managers.
The beneficiaries of the project are: business school professors, educators and trainers, enterprises, trainer training institutions, training providers, and students.
Navigator’s role was to support the process of corporate analysis, improving the data and “reality” of the cases being developed.
Within this framework, we have:
Developed a methodology for in-company analysis;
Implemented training-of-trainers sessions in Tartu and Vilnius;
Accompanied teams of Lithuanian and Estonian trainers in companies;
Supported the case writing process;
Supported the testing of business case studies.
Date of Engagement:
October 2008 - October 2010
Countries of Operation:
Lithuania, Estonia, United Kingdom, Greece
Business Function:
Human Resources
Business Sector:
Services, Management Training