Profitability Optimisation and Turn-Around Management
Navigator Consulting Group and the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce & Industry organised a training programme on profit optimisation and turn-around management in Nicosia in June 2011.
The global economic crisis which started in 2008 shows signs of subsiding in Cyprus, and a small economic recovery is underway. Yet the impacts of the crisis, together with the wider economic changes affecting Cyprus, will been long-lasting, particularly on small enterprises struggling to regain lost competitiveness and profitability.
Navigator Consulting Group and the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce & Industry are organised a training programme on profit optimisation and turn-around management.
This training programme addressed the root causes of declining enterprise performance among small businesses in Cyprus. The agenda included 2 days of classroom training and a one-day consultation per company.
Among the topics addressed included:
Selling in Declining Markets
Roots and impact of the current economic crisis, 2008-2009-2010
Prospects for the recovery
Long-term challenges affecting profitability and small business
Adapting to low-margin, low-growth environments
Sustainable sales practises and business processes
Value Stream Mapping: From Raw Materials to Final Consumption
Defining and mapping the value stream – process
Value stream mapping – financial aspects and value added
Other aspects of organisational and business process analysis
Other key indicators: speed, processing steps, defects, quality, etc.
Understanding Customer Sales, Profitability and General Profit-Loss
Defining “good” and “bad” customers
Understanding the corporate profit-loss statement
Methods for measuring sales & gross profitability per customer
Measuring the Cost of Sales
Modelling workflow in a company: what steps create costs?
Calculating average break-even per order; per delivery
Differentiating statutory P/L statement
Allocating overheads by work share, SKU orders, other metrics
Turn-Around Management Diagnosis
Defining the current status of profitability and business
Outlining options for change – defining a turn around mgmt plan
Sales and pricing scenarios and sensitivities
Changing operations and business processes
Developing management consensus
Customer Segmentation and Pathways to Change
Non-financial segmentation (potential vs. attractiveness)
Financial segmentation (Pareto, A-B-C, x-y-z)
Purchase characteristics and profiling
Contract – order variability and sensitivities
Relating sales and order profitability to turn around management – key indicators and means of optimising profits
Optimising Production and Industrial Operations
Producing to order
Lean and “Semi-Lean” manufacturing principles
New methods of shared cost manufacturing
Optimising profitability in manufacturing – relation with the turn-around management plan and key indicators.
Optimising Distribution and Logistics Operations
Physical Structure of Inventory Management
Shelf Space, Positioning, Flow
Stock Picking / Merchandising Planning
Delivery Effectiveness
Delivery Schedules and Route Planning
Relating distribution and logistics to the turn-around management plan and means of optimising profitability
The training was attended by 12 small enterprises that represented a cross-section of the Cypriot economy.
Cyprus Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Date of Engagement:
June - July 2011
Countries of Operation:
Business Function:
Human Resources
Navigator Profit Optimisation Brochure