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Navigator to attend CEDEFOP Workshop on Financing Adult Education in Europe

Navigator Consulting Group will be attending the CEDEFOP international workshop on Financing Adult Education in Europe on December 12-13 in Thessaloniki, Greece.

CEDEFOP is the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training. CEDEFOP is the centre of expertise to support the development of VET and evidence based policy making. It provides advice, research, analysis, information, and stimulates European cooperation and common learning. Its networks allow the centre to keep abreast of recent developments and to cooperate and share information.

Adult education is a critical driver of economic and social development. The European Union's 2020 Strategy depends heavily on increasing investment in human capital across the EU.

The European Strategy for Education and Training to 2020, part of the Europe 2020 goals, sets the following strategic objectives:

  • Making lifelong learning and mobility a reality;

  • Improving the quality and efficiency of education and training;

  • Promoting equity, social cohesion and active citizenship;

  • Enhancing creativity and innovation, including entrepreneurship, at all levels of education and training.

These objectives are expressed through a series of benchmarks to be achieved by 2020:

  • at least 95% of children between the age of four and the age for starting compulsory primary education should participate in early childhood education;

  • the share of 15-years olds with insufficient abilities in reading, mathematics and science should be less than 15%;

  • the share of early leavers from education and training should be less than 10%;

  • the share of 30-34 year olds with tertiary educational attainment should be at least 40%;

  • an average of at least 15% of adults (age group 25-64) should participate in lifelong learning

In this context, the financing of vocational education and training and wider adult learning is of critical importance. This is not only due to the temporary European financial crisis, but more so do to the fact that demographic and economic changes will place increasing pressure on governments and social partners to use financial resources wisely.

The CEDEFOP workshop on financing adult education is on in a series of workshops and research projects on the subject. The topics include:

  • Market failure, other barriers to participation and cost sharing instruments – taxonomy. Mapping of existing cost-sharing instruments across Europe.

  • Cost-sharing systems in Europe

  • Training Funds in Europe

  • Sectoral training and development funds in the Netherlands

  • Sectoral training funds in France

  • Performance of inter-professional training funds in Italy

  • Grants and tax incentives in Europe

  • Co-financing adult learning in Hungary.

  • Grants for companies and training fund

  • Combination of instruments for companies and their role in the overall cost-sharing system.

  • Vouchers, saving schemes

  • German experience: Bildungsprämie

  • Effectiveness of Levensloopregeling (Course of Life Regulation)

  • Bulgarian experience in implementing vouchers.

  • Importance of guidance

  • Financing adult learning -  Finnish guidance and counselling perspective

  • Other instruments for individuals (tax incentives, training leave, loans).

  • Combination of instruments for individuals and their role in the overall cost-sharing system

  • A comparison of financial/regulatory instruments in the UK

  • Financial instruments to foster training in the Netherlands: past and present experiences

  • Involving private financial institutions/actors in the financing of (continuous) vocational training: Requirements, challenges and potentials

  • A non-EU perspective:  observations based on financing arrangements in Australia

Navigator Consulting Group has implemented a number of studies on financing vocational education and training as well as the European policy context. Attendance in this programme is designed to further our knowledge of the state-of-the-art in Europe.

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